
Mind control hypnosis
Mind control hypnosis

mind control hypnosis
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Hive Mind: An entire species (or a large group of organisms) all share the same mind and consciousness, behaving like a single entity.Heel–Face Brainwashing: Turning someone good by mind control.Hate Plague: Something that forces people to feel enraged, hateful, and even violently aggressive towards other people.

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  • Happiness in Mind Control: Someone who's actually quite content with having their own free will overrode by someone else.
  • Glamour: Illusionary magic that makes the user attractive and enthralling to others.
  • Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: Someone is mind-controlled to be happy all the time.
  • Forgot About the Mind Reader: Someone has embarrassing thoughts about someone else, only to remember that they can read their mind.
  • Forced Sleep: The power to cause someone to fall asleep.
  • Fighting from the Inside: Someone under brainwashing tries to resist whatever's controlling them.
  • Fake Memories: Someone's mind is implanted with memories of events that never happened.
  • The Evils of Free Will: Someone feels that eliminating free will is the only way to achieve utopia.
  • Enslaved Tongue: Someone controls what another persons says.
  • Emotion Suppression: Someone suppresses their emotions to keep their mind clear.
  • Emotion Control: A form of mind control that is focused on manipulating someone's emotional state.
  • mind control hypnosis

    Emotion Bomb: A magic spell or psychological weapon that can force people to feel certain emotions.Electric Instant Gratification: Electrical stimulation causing pleasure.Dying as Yourself: A person dies shortly after being freed from mind control.Dream Weaver: Someone who is able to manipulate dreams.Dirty Mind-Reading: Someone reads another person's mind, who's thinking dirty thoughts.Deprogram: Trying to undo brainwashing.Demonic Possession: Someone's mind or body gets hijacked by an invasive demon, ghost, or spirit.Cure Your Gays: Attempting to "cure" homosexuality, through either mundane or fantastical means.Conveniently Coherent Thoughts: A telepath can read thoughts in the form of precise, coherent, relevant sentences.Compelling Voice: Someone whose voice can induce mind control.Clone by Conversion: Someone is turned into a clone of someone else, both physically and mentally.Charm Person: Someone with the ability to make people do what they want them to do.Cartesian Karma: A person suffers punishment for evil deeds they were not in control of committing.Bungled Hypnotism: Hypnotism backfiring in the most hilarious way possible.

    Mind control hypnosis manual#

  • Brain with a Manual Control: A character's brain has a control center, which allows another person to take direct control of them.
  • mind control hypnosis

  • Brainwash Residue: A person is no longer brainwashed, but the effects still linger in their body.
  • Brainwashing for the Greater Good: Brainwashing for a good cause.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: A brainwashed character is sent to hurt or kill their friends.
  • Brainwashed: Someone has used Applied Phlebotinum to control the mind of another character.
  • mind control hypnosis

    Body Surf: A character possesses multiple people in succession.Beware the Mind Reader: Mind readers are viewed negatively for how they can use their powers.Behavioral Conditioning: A character is trained over time, either knowingly or unknowingly, to react to a particular stimulus.Bedtime Brainwashing: Someone tries to manipulate someone else's dreams or thoughts when that person is asleep.The Beastmaster: Someone who is able to make animals do their bidding, which may be explained as a form of mind control applied to non-human creatures.Assimilation Plot: A plan which revolves around turning everyone into a single entity.Artifact of Attraction: An object that manipulates people to fight each other for it.Artifact Domination: An Ancient Artifact that controls the wielder's mind.Alluring Flowers: Flowers whose scent is outright siren-like in its power to cloud minds.

    Mind control hypnosis